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@2020-2024 ParamitaLab ets  CF:94294030484 | +39.375.585.1428

Participate in a Programme or open activity

PL’s mission is to welcome people from all over Europe, people who come here in order to begin or deepen practice. We offer programmes all year round, lasting one week or longer, complementing other activities by enabling participants to immerse themselves in teachings and practice.

Reflecting the PL vision of social transformation, our programmes are structured around three complementary pillars of Specific Realisation, Culture, and Society. Retreats are directed by senior practitioners who have been active in the field for many years.

Dive into a culture of goodness

The PL vision is relevant to all of us. It is at once spiritual and non-religious, profound and accessible, ancient and resolutely modern. It aims to transform our relationship with ourselves and others by connecting us to our inherent goodness and wisdom through our experience of the present moment. Such personal attention is what makes an awakened society possible.

While you are here you will be living with newcomers as well as more experienced practitioners from elsewhere. All are gathered here to work with their minds, to cultivate their innate qualities of mind and brilliance, and thus to participate in a culture of basic goodness.

It is in this spirit that you are welcomed. Our programmes are made possible by the collaboration of many people: trainers, other participants, permanent PL staff, programme staff, grants, etc. You will not be seen as a "consumer" but as a person on a journey and as an equal. All our efforts are aimed at enabling you to have an experience that will be profound and inspiring.

Sample schedule for each day

Each programme, and even each day of a programme, is unique and different. The format therefore depends on the programme and how the programme coordinator arranges the schedule to suit the needs of the group and other considerations. However, to give you an idea of a 'typical' programme day, here is a description and sample schedule.

  • 7:00 - Optional physical activity (scheduled service activities)

  • 8:00-9:00 - Breakfast

  • 9.00-12.30 - Morning session: workshop, study, lectures, discussions, etc.

  • 12:30 - 15:00 - Lunch & Free time (scheduled service activities)
  • 15:00-18:45 - Afternoon session: workshop, talks, exercises, including a tea break around 16:30

  • 18:45-19:30 - Dinner

  • 20:00 - Optional evening activities (scheduled service activities)

Living together

On arrival, you will be given a set of general rules to help maintain harmony and respect for everyone at PL. You can read them in advance by downloading the following PDF document: Code of Conduct.

Scheduled service activities

Helping to keep the environment running smoothly is an integral part of PL's programmes. You will be invited to give an hour of your time each day in the kitchen, garden, housekeeping or elsewhere. From our perspective, this activity is very important because it's an opportunity to bring mindfulness into daily life, to put attention into action.

Most participants appreciate this experience as a time to build relationships with each other and with PL staff, and to get a taste of community life.

Our legal status

Within the Italian legal framework, the programmes and other activities of PL are offered under the terms of an Ente del Terzo Settore, a non-profit status which requires participants to be members of the Association PL Europe in France. This involves the payment of a fee of €30 per calendar year. If your membership is not up-to-date, or if you are new to PL, this fee can be paid on arrival.

Fundraising Reception

On arrival, you will be invited to a short reception, usually hosted by the centre's director. You will learn a little about who we are and have the opportunity to visit our Bottega if you wish. The funds we raise each year play a very important role in keeping this extraordinary place going and making it accessible to as many people as possible. You can read more about how these funds are used on our Financial Policy page.

Other ways to get involved

Newcomers often discover PL through our public programmes (no prerequisites).

Others prefer to experience a longer and more intensive period of immersion, with more time to integrate awareness, teachings, and participation in community life. If this is the case, we encourage you to explore our Volunteer Programme.

If you have completed certain levels of the PL pathway, you may be able to apply to come here as a staff member on one of our programmes.