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Creative Convergence Hub 

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Internal Regulations of ParamitaLab ETS

*APPROVATO nell’assemblea dei soci del 15 gennaio 2021 ore 19:00 CET


ParamitaLab ETS (PL) is committed to fostering tangible and intangible human development through a transdisciplinary approach. We recognize the diversity of perspectives among our members and value the richness this brings to our association. These regulations aim to establish a framework for collaboration, decision-making, and ethical conduct within PL, ensuring a respectful and generative environment for all members.

Art. 1: Participation in Public Events as PL Members

Members are welcome to participate in public initiatives or events as representatives of PL, provided they clarify that their contributions are personal opinions unless referencing official documents or decisions approved by the Board of Directors (CD). Prior to such events, members should inform the CD with a brief description of the event and their role. Sharing the outcomes of the event with the CD is encouraged. Travel and transfer expenses are generally the responsibility of the member unless otherwise specified by the event organizer. In such cases, PL will facilitate reimbursement upon submission of relevant documentation.

Art. 2: Responding to Requests for Opinions

When an external entity or a member requests an official opinion from PL, the CD will initiate a consultative process among members. This may involve discussions, collaborative writing, surveys, or other appropriate methods. If a member initiates the request, they are encouraged to actively participate in the process. If irreconcilable differences arise, no official opinion will be issued, but a summary of diverse viewpoints will be shared with members. The matter will then be considered closed unless reopened for further discussion at a later date.

Art. 3: Providing Support and Expertise

If PL is asked to provide training, facilitation, research, or other services aligned with our statutory goals, the CD must be notified immediately. A formal agreement will be drafted to negotiate terms and potential compensation. Experts will be selected through a call for proposals among members, considering their qualifications and expertise. If no compensation is offered, travel expenses will be the responsibility of the participating members. Otherwise, the reimbursement procedure outlined in Art. 1 will apply. A similar process will be followed when PL is asked to recommend experts for events or projects.

Art. 4: Organizing Initiatives on behalf of PL 

Members wishing to organize initiatives under the name of PL should first seek collaboration from other members. A draft program, including objectives, costs, and the association's role, should be submitted to the CD. It should also explain the initiative's relevance to PL, how members can participate, and how results will be shared. After the CD's approval, the initiative will be communicated to all members. A final report and an article for the website are required after the event. Initiatives should be self-funded or covered by the promotional budget approved by the members' assembly.

Art. 5: Use of the Logo

The PL logo can be used in initiatives involving active participation by association members, with authorization from the President.

Art. 6: Use of Website and Social Media

The website and social media platforms are available to members for sharing relevant information, promoting initiatives, and fostering discussions. Members can request editor access from the CD. Content published on behalf of PL should adhere to the principles outlined in the preamble, maintaining neutrality, ethical language, and avoiding discrimination.

Art. 7: Use of the Members' Mailing List

The mailing list is a tool for members to share information relevant to PL activities and interests. Use it responsibly, categorize emails clearly, and switch to direct messaging for individual conversations.

Art. 8: Donations from Private Individuals

Donations from private individuals will be accepted upon consultation with the CD.

Art. 9: Engaging External Workers or Members

If external workers or members need to be employed, the CD will propose selection procedures, which will be subject to consultation with members as described in Art. 2.

Art. 10: Dispute Resolution

Disputes between the association and members, or among members, will be addressed by a Conciliation Body appointed by the CD. At least one party involved in the dispute can request the intervention of the Conciliation Body.